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O piractwie - 2

Somalia, Mogadishu
Przejechano 0 km
Jesteśmy świeżo po lekturze „standardowego” maila od naszego Armatora, pora zatem najwyższa na jedno z wielu następnych pisemek, tym razem z Londynu…
Oto ten przykładowy mail z Londynu:
From: Watchkeeper UKMTO []
Sent: 19 November, 2012 8:59 AM
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Red
Good day Captain,
UKMTO has received your Initial Report and is now tracking your vessel. It is important that you continue to report daily to UKMTO while in the Voluntary Reporting Area.
IMPORTANT: In the event of any suspicious activity or approach please call UKMTO immediately (free of charge on Iridium phone):
UKMTO +971 50 552 3215
The faster you call UKMTO, the faster we are able to help you. UKMTO has communication with all naval assets in the area. During the call, UKMTO will give any information to all naval assets in the area in order to provide further assistance.
Remember: All naval ships in the area monitor VHF channels 16 and 08 and they may also be contacted.
Please also ensure that you are registered with the Maritime Security Centre, Horn of Africa (MSC HOA).
1. Recent Threats to Shipping
2. Top tips in avoiding a pirate attack
3. Action in the event of a pirate attack
4. Voluntary Reporting Area
5. Daily Position Report
6. Final Report
7. Piracy Attack Report
8. Reporting changes in crew, destination
9. IRTC / Group transit information
10. Drills / Exercises
11. Precautions
12. West Coast of India
13. Further contact details
1. Recent Threats to Shipping
Threat update for the Gulf of Aden & Horn of Africa - recent reported incidents:
18 June-MV was attacked in posn 1430N 05046E. Three skiffs fired on vessel. Vessel is SAFE
20 June - MV was attacked in posn 2050N 05930E. A dhow fired on the vessel, vessel is SAFE
27 June - MV was attacked in posn 1422N 05438E. A dhow fired on the vessel, vessel is SAFE.
At this time 4 merchant vessels remain hijacked.
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2. Top tips in avoiding a pirate attack
1. Maintain a vigilant lookout at all times. Early warning of a suspicious skiff will give you time to act. This has been proven to greatly reduce the chance of a successful attack.
2. A ship showing self-protective measures in place is more likely to deter pirates. It is recommended that the BMP is applied throughout the Voluntary Reporting Area.
3. Regular reporting of position/course/speed to UKMTO. Merchant masters should also be extremely cautious if challenged by any unexpected source.
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3. Action in the event of a pirate attack . STAY CALM, and follow the ship's pre-prepared contingency plan.
. CALL UKMTO +971 50 552 3215.
. Activate SSAS.
. Make a "MAYDAY" call on VHF CH. 16/08, and send distress message on DSC.
. If AIS has been turned OFF, turn it back ON.
. Sound the emergency alarm and make a pirate attack announcement in accordance with the ship's emergency plan.
. Muster the crew at SAFE MUSTER POINT/CITADEL.
. For safer passage, merchant vessels transiting the Gulf of Aden are advised to use the full length of the IRTC and avoid coastal transits.
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4. Voluntary Reporting Area
5. The Voluntary Reporting Area is bounded by co-ordinates 10S, 78E, the full Gulf, and the Red Sea up to Suez. It can be found on the Anti-Piracy Planning Chart (Chart Q6099) available from your agents or online at the UKHO website.
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6. Daily Position Report
It is important that you continue to report daily to UKMTO while in the Voluntary Reporting Area. Please send the following information:
1. Ships name
2. Ships Call Sign and IMO Number
3. Time of Report (UTC)
4. Ships Position
5. Ships Course and Speed
6. Any other important information (ie change of destination, nationality of crew on board etc.)
Remember: UKMTO will NOT normally reply to your Daily Position Reports.
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7. Final Report
When you have arrived at your destination, or when you are leaving the Voluntary Reporting Area, please send UKMTO a Final Position Report with the following information:
01. Ships name.
02. Ships Call Sign and IMO Number.
03. Time of Report in UTC.
04. Port or position when leaving the Voluntary Reporting Area.
If your destination is within the Voluntary Reporting Area please send a further Initial Report for your onward voyage.
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8. Piracy Attack/Incident Report
If you have been approached or attacked by pirates, please send UKMTO a piracy attack report including the following information:
Ships particulars/details:
1. Name of Ship:
2. IMO No:
3. Flag:
4. Call Sign:
5. Type of Ship:
6. Last Port/Next Port:
Details of Incident:
7. Date & Time of Incident: Lt/Utc
8. Position: Lat: (N/S) Long: (E/W)
9. Own Ship's Speed:
10. Ship's Freeboard During Attack:
11. Weather During Attack (Rain/Fog/Mist/Clear/etc, Wind (Speed and Direction), Sea/Swell Height):
12. Types of Attack (Boarded/Attempted):
13. Consequences for Crew, Ship and Cargo:
14. Any Crew Injured/Killed:
15. Items/Cash Stolen:
16. Area of the Ship being Attacked:
17. Last Observed Movements of Pirates/Suspect Craft:
Details of Raiding Party:
18. Number of Pirates/Robbers:
19. Dress/Physical Appearance:
20. Language Spoken:
21. Weapons Used:
22. Distinctive Details:
23. Craft Used:
24. Method of Approach:
25. Duration of Attack:
26. Aggressive/Violent:
Further Details:
27. Action Taken by Master and Crew and its effectiveness:
28. Was Incident Reported to the Coastal Authority? If so to whom?
29. Preferred Communications with Reporting Ship:
30. Action Taken by the Authorities:
31. Number of Crew/Nationality:
32. Please Attach with this Report - A Brief Description/Full Report/Master - Crew Statement of the Attack/Photographs taken if any.
33. Details of Self Protection Measures.
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9. Reporting changes in crew, destination/passage Change of Destination/ Passage: Please contact UKMTO as soon as possible if your vessel deviates from its intended passage, for example in the event of a breakdown. In these cases, please contact UKMTO first by telephone and later follow up by e-mail or Sat C correspondence.
Change to Crew while in the Voluntary Reporting Area: Please advise UKMTO if your vessel plans to embark additional persons while in the Voluntary Reporting Area. Include in your report the number of persons embarked or disembarked and their nationalities.
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10. IRTC / Group transit information
The International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC) consists of an East and West bound traffic lane in the Gulf of Aden.
The East bound lane begins at Point Alpha 04500E between 1148N and 1153N The West bound lane begins at Point Bravo 05300E between 1425N and 1430N The Maritime Security Centre Horn of Africa (MSCHOA) organises transit arrangements through the IRTC.
Group Transit - A Group Transit of the IRTC is where ships are scheduled by speed so as to be in close proximity when passing through the key threat area, where there is a high risk of piracy, which provides mutual support. This also facilitates the coordinated support of warships by the military authorities. Vessels should pass through the Point A (Eastbound) and Point B (Westbound) at the times indicated below.
Eastbound Point Alpha Westbound Point Bravo

Sea Speed
Local Time











A Group Transit is NOT a convoy, therefore warships may not be seen, but will be patrolling in the vicinity. Prior to transit any changes to the ETA at Point Alpha or Point Bravo are requested to be promptly advised to MSCHOA.
Any further information required on the Group Transit should be sought from MSCHOA who are responsible for Group Transits.
Escorted transit - Some nations provide convoy transits for merchant vessels passing through the IRTC, where the vessels in transit will be supported throughout the IRTC by a naval asset. UKMTO does not hold information on the escort times or procedures. Advice may be obtained by contacting MSCHOA directly.
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11. Drills / Exercises
UKMTO would like to support any ship or company who wishes to hold a security drill. However, when testing voice communications, email systems or conducting a security drill, all communications MUST start with "DRILL, DRILL, DRILL" to avoid any misunderstanding.
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12. Precautions
All vessels are strongly advised to comply with Best Management Practices (currently BMP4), when within the Voluntary Reporting Area. A copy is available on the MSC HOA website and the NATO Shipping Centre website.
Although the Master has the discretion to switch off the AIS if he believes that its use increases the ship's vulnerability, in order to provide Naval forces with tracking information it is recommended that AIS transmission left on throughout the High Risk Area, but that it is restricted to ship's identity, position, course, speed, navigational status and safety-related information.
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13. West Coast of India
When off the Indian West coast, you are reminded:
. That dense fishing activity may be encountered off West coast of India; . Fishing is generally carried out by mechanized boats and single hull boats with outboard motors carrying 4-5 crew using long lines up to 50 nm from coast; . Merchant ships traversing the fishing nets are likely to be approached by fishing boats safeguarding nets and lines and care should be taken not to mistake fishing boats for skiffs and PAG's; . Masters of Merchant Ships to report any suspicious activity immediately to UKMTO on +971 50 55 23215 and to Mumbai MRCC on telephone +91 22 24388065 or +91 22 24388065, email: -
14. Further contact details
If you are unable to reach UKMTO by phone, please contact:
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Have a SAFE voyage.
Duty Watchkeeper
+971 505 523 215

Zapytam jeszcze raz: i co..? Podobała wam się ta lektura..?
Powyższych maili już na polski nie tłumaczyłem, ażeby mnie całkiem do reszty krew nie zalała! Zatem, kto chce poznać lepiej wszelkie szczegóły tej specyficznej „zabawy” o ewentualne przetłumaczenie obu maili niechaj się postara we własnym zakresie. Ufff...
A wiecie, że jeszcze dodatkowo produkowaliśmy przy tej okazji duże tablice ostrzegawcze z napisem w jakimś używanym w Somalii języku, że nasze rozciągnięte wokół burt statku „kolczatki” są pod wysokim napięciem..? Tak, wyobraźcie sobie, że nawet i takie chwyty są obecnie przez dbające o nasze bezpieczeństwo „odpowiednie czynniki” zalecane, tak więc dostaliśmy odpowiedni tekst, który czym prędzej na pomalowane na żółto duże deski wpisywaliśmy. Tak dla zaspokojenia waszej ciekawości podam, iż brzmi to tak: „KHATAR! Deyr Danab Koronto Sare (XooGGan)”. I oczywiście siła rażenia takowego ostrzeżenia dla piratów jest jeszcze wzmocniona wymalowaną w dole tablicy odpowiedniej wielkości błyskawicą – żeby już nawet kompletny analfabeta zrozumiał, że z naszymi kolczastymi drutami na pewno żartów nie ma! Ufff. Jaja, prawdziwe jaja. Z tym że chyba już jednak nieco „zbukowate”. Tfu..!
No i ci żołnierze (o pardon, chciałem raczej napisać: żołnierzyki)… Eeech, aż się dosłownie o nich wspominać nie powinno. Nie warto. No chyba że jedynie w kontekście jakiegoś żartu czy wręcz komedii! Toż to wygląda na jakąś potężną kpinę! Któż to z nas, marynarzy, aż tak bezczelnie drwi..!?
A tak, właśnie tak to wszystko teraz odbieramy – patrzymy, patrzymy, patrzymy i własnym oczom nie wierzymy. Ja osobiście dotychczas sądziłem – kiedy tylko docierały do mnie jakieś wiadomości o statkach, które żeglując przez ten rejon wynajmowały do swej obrony uzbrojonych ochroniarzy lub żołnierzy – że jest taka usługa czymś w istocie znaczącym, skutecznym i realnie pomocnym. Gdy tymczasem teraz właśnie na własne oczy w końcu widzę, cóż to tak naprawdę jest! Właśnie „wszystkimi swoimi zmysłami” odbieram ten ładunek gigantycznej wręcz hipokryzji – każdym swoim nerwem wyczuwam tę paranoję, której zresztą chcąc nie chcąc jestem teraz mimowolnym uczestnikiem, o rety!
Toż to najzwyklejsza gra pozorów lub najśmieszniejsza ze śmiesznych szopka! Żeby nie powiedzieć: istny cyrk na kwadratowych kółkach, nawet chyba większy aniżeli rodem wprost z brytyjskiego Monty Pythona! Żałosne, po prostu żałosne i żenujące zarazem..! Tyle potężnych armii na tym naszym świecie, tyle ogromnie silnych i licznych wojennych flot, czy zatem rzeczywiście nic się nie da zrobić, aby to jednak lepiej zorganizować..?! Czy naprawdę musimy być świadkami aż takiej komedii w tak ważnej sprawie..?! A dlaczego tak to oceniam..? No to poczytajcie…

No ale o tym już w odcinku trzecim…
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